

Into Math® crosswalk to Amplify Desmos Math free lessons



Grade K

Unit 1: Count Sequence and Numbers to 5

Module 1: Represent Numbers to 5 with Objects

Lesson 1: Represent 1 and 2
Lesson 2: Represent 3 and 4


Unit 2: Count Sequence and Numbers to 10

Module 7: Represent Numbers 6 to 10 with Objects

Module Opener
Lesson 2: Represent 8 and 9


Module 10: Compare Numbers to 10

Lesson 4: Compare Groups Within 10 by Counting
Lesson 5: Compare Groups Within 10 by Matching


Module 11: Add To and Take From Within 10

Module Opener


Module 12: Put Together and Take Apart Within 10

Lesson 3: Solve Put Together Problems Within 10

Lesson 4: Solve Take Apart Problems Within 10
Lesson 5: Solve Word Problems Within 10


Module 13: Ways to Make Numbers to 10

Lesson 4: Ways to Make 10
Lesson 5: Make 10 From a Given Number
Lesson 1: Ways to Make 6 and 7


Unit 3: Geometry

Module 14: Analyze and Compare Three-Dimensional Shapes

Module Opener
Lesson 5: Build Shapes


Module 15: Describe Position of Objects

Module Opener


Module 16: Analyze and Compare Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 7: Compare Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Shapes


Unit 4: Number and Operations in Base Ten

Module 17: Place Value Foundations-Represent Numbers to 20

Lesson 3: Compose Ten Ones and Some More Ones to 19
Lesson 4: Represent Numbers to 20


Module 18: Place Value Foundations-Represent Number to 20 with a Written Numeral

Lesson 1: Count and Write 11 to 14
Lesson 3: Count and Write 16-19


Grade 1

Unit 1: Ways to Add and Subtract

Module 2: Subtraction Strategies

Lesson 2.1: Represent Subtraction
Lesson 2.2: Count Back
Lesson 2.3: Count on to Subtract


Module 3: Properties of Operations

Lesson 3.6: Determin Equatl and Not Equal


Module 4: Apply Addition and Subtraction Relationships

Lesson 4.2: Represent Related Facts
Lesson 4.3: Identify Related Facts
Lesson 4.6: Solve for Unknow Addend


Module 5: Understand Add to and Take From Problems

Lesson 5.4: Solve Add To and Take From Problems


Module 6: Understand Put Together and Take Apart Problems

Lesson 6.3: Represent Addend and Unknown Problems with Objects and Drawing


Module 8: Data

Lesson: 8.2 Represent Data with Picture Graphs


Unit 3: Numbers to 120

Module 10: Count and Represent Numbers

Lesson 10.4: Decompose Numbers in Different Ways
Lesson 10.5: Represent, Read, and Write Numbers from 100 to 110

Lesson 10.5: Represent, Read, and Write Numbers from 110 to 120


Unit 4: Addition and Subtractoin in Base Ten

Module 12: Understand Addition and Subtraction with Tens and Ones

Lesson 12.1: Representing Adding Tens

Lesson 12.3: Add and Subtract Tens


Module 13: Two-Digita Addition and Subtraction

Lesson 13.1: Use Hundred Charts to Show Two-Digit Addtion and Subtraction.
Lesson 13.2: Understand and Explain Place Value Addition


Unit 6: Measurment

Module 16: Fraction Foundations

Lesson 16.1: TAke Apart Two-Dimensional Shapes
Lesson 16.2: Identify Equal or Unequal Parts
Lesson 16.4: Partition Shapes into Fourths


Grade 2

Unit 1: Numbers and Data

Module 1: Fluency for Addition and Subtraction Within 20

Lesson 1.5: Use the Make a Ten Strategy to Add


Module 1: Fluency for Addition and Subtraction Within 21

Lesson 1.6: Use a Tens Fact to Subtract


Module 2: Equal Groups

Lesson 2.1: Identify Even and Odd Numbers
Lesson 2.2: Write Equations to Represent Even Numbers


Module 3: Data

Lesson 3.5: Draw bar graphs to Represent Data


Unit 2: Place Value

Module 4: Understand Place Value

Lesson 4.1: Group Tens as Hundreds
Lesson 4.2: Understand Three-Digit Numbers
Lesson 4.4: Represent Numbers with Hundreds, Tens, and Ones


Module 5: Read, Write, and Show Numbers to 1000

Lesson 5.3: Different Ways to Write Numbers
Lesson 5.4: Different Ways to Show Numbers


Module 6: Use Place Value

Lesson 6.1: Count Within 1000
Lesson 6.5: Use Symbols to Compare Numbers


Unit 3: Money and Time

Module 7: Coins

Lesson 7.1: Relate Place Value to Coins
Lesson 7.2 Identify and Find Value of Coins
Lesson 7.3: Compute the Value of Coin Combinations
Lesson 7.4: Show Amounts in Different Ways


Module 8: Dollar Amounts

Lesson 8.3: Solve Problems Involving Money


Unit 5: Three-Digita Addition and Subtraction

Module 16: Three-Digit Addition

Lesson 16.1: Use Drawing to Represent Three-Digit Addition
Lesson 16.2: Decomposte Three-Digit Addends


Unit 6: Measurement

Module 18: Lengths in Inches, Feet, and Yards

Lesson 18.4: Make Line Ploits to Show Measurement Data


Module 20: Relate Addition and Subtraction to Length

Lesson 20.1: Relate Inches to a Number Line

Lesson 20.2: Add and Subtract Lengths in Inches
Lesson 20.3: Relate Centimeters to a Number Line


Unit 7: Geometry and Fractions

Module 21: Two- and Three- Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 21.2 Identify and Draw Three-Dimensional Shapes
Lesson 21.2: Identify and Draw Two-Dimensional Shapes


Grade 3

Unit 1: Understand Multiplication and Area

Module 1: Understand Multiplication

Lesson 1.1: Count Equal Groups
Lesson 1.3: Represent Multiplication with Arrays
Lesson 1.4: Understand the Commutative Property of Multiplication


Module 2: Relate Multiplication and Area

Lesson 2.1 Understand Area by Counting Unit Square
Lesson 2.2: Measuring Area by Counting Unit Squares
Lesson 2.3: Relate Area to Addition and Multiplication


Unit 2: Multiplication and Division

Module 7: Relate Multiplication and Division

Lesson 7.7: Build Fluency with Multiplication and Division


Module 8: Apply Multiplication and Division

Lesson 8.3: Use Multiplication and Division to Solve Problem Situations
Lesson 8.4: Solve Two-Step Problems


Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Module 9: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Lesson 9.3: Use Properties to Add
Lesson 9.4: Use Mental Math to Assess Reasonableness


Module 10: Addition and Subtraction Within 1000

Lesson 10.1: Use Expanded Form to Add
Lesson 10.2: Use Place Value to Add
Lesson 10.5: Choose a Strategy to Add or Subtract


Unit 4: Fractions

Module 13: Understand Fractions as Numbers

Lesson 13.4: Represent and Name Fractions on a Number Line
Lesson 13.5: Express Whole Numbers as Fractions
Lesson 13.6: Represent and Name Fractions Greater Than 1


Unit 5: Measurement and Data

Module 18: Represent and Interpret Data

Lesson 18.4: Make a Bar Graph

Lesson 18.5: Use Line Plots to Display Measurement Data

Lesson 18.6: Make Line Plots to Display Measurement Data


Unit 6: Geometry

Module 19: Define Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 19.1: Describe Shapes
Lesson 19.4: Define Quadrilaterals


Module 20: Categorize Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 20.1: Draw Quadrilaterals


Grade 4

Unit 1: Place Value and Whole Number Operations

Module 3: Interpret and Solve Problem Situations

Lesson 3.1: Explore Multiplicative Comparisons
Lesson 3.4: Use Comparison to Solve Problem Situations


Unit 2: Multiplication and Division Problems

Module 4: Mental Math and Estimation Strategies

Lesson 4.3: Estimate Products by 1-Digit Numbers


Module 5: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers

Lesson 5.1: Represent Multiplication
Lesson 5.2: Use Area Models and the Distributive Property to Multiply
Lesson 5.4: Multiplying Using Partial Products
Lesson 5.6: Multiplying 3-Digit and 4-Digit Numbers


Unit 3: Extend and Apply Multiplication

Module 8: Extend and Apply Multiplication

Lesson 8.1: Multiply with Tens
Lesson 8.3: Relate Area Model and Partial Products
Lesson 8.4: Multiplying Using Partial Products
Lesson 8.7: Solve Multi-step Problems and Assess Reasonableness


Unit 4: Fractions and Decimals

Module 10: Algebraic Thinking and Number Theory

Lesson 10.1: Investigate Factors
Lesson 10.2: Identify Factors
Lesson 10.4: Identify Prime and Composite Numbers
Lesson 10.5 Generate and Analyze Number Patterns


Module 11: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison

Lesson 11.1: Compare Fractions Using Viaula Models
Lesson 11.2: Compare Fractions Using Benchmarks
Lesson 11.6: Compare Fractions Using Common Denominators
Lesson 11.7: Use Comparison to Order Fractions


Module 12: Relate Fractions and Decimals

Lesson 12.1: Represent Tenths as Fractions and Decimals
Lesson 12.2 Represent Hundredths as Fractions and Decimals
Lesson 12.3: Identify Equivalent Fractions and Decimals
Lesson 12.4: Compare Decimals


Module 13: Use Fractions to Understand Angles

Lesson 13.2: Explore Angles
Lesson 13.3: Relate Angles to Fraction Part of a Circle
Lesson 13.6: Join and Separate Angles


Module 14: Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions with Like Denominators

Lesson 14.2: Joining Parts of the Same Whole


Module 15: Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators

Lesson 15.1: Add and Subtract Fractions to Solve Problems


Unit 6: Two-Dimensional Figures and Symmetry

Module 18: Symmetry and Patterns

Lesson 18.3: Generate and Identify Shape Patters


Grade 5

Unit 1: Whole Numbers, Expressions, and Volume

Module 1: Whole Number Place Value and Multiplication

Lesson 1.3: Use a Pattern to Multiply by Multiplies of 10, 100, and 1000

Lesson 1.5: Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers


Module 2: Understand Division of Whole Numbers

Lesson 2.4: Use Partial Quotients


Module 5: Volume

Lesson 5.2: Understand Volume
Lesson 5.3: Estimate Volume
Lesson 5.6: Find Volume of Composed Figures


Unit 3: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Module 8: Understand Multiplication of Fractions

Lesson 8.1: Explore Groups of Equal Shares to Show Multiplication
Lesson 8.2: Represent Multiplication of Whole Numbers by Fractions
Lesson 8.3: Represent Multiplication with Unit Fraction
Lesson 8.4: Represent Multiplication of Fractions

Lesson 8.5: Use Representations of Area to Develop Procedures

Lesson 8.6: Interpret Fraction Multiplication as Scaling
Lesson 8.7: Multiplying Fractions


Module 9: Understand and Apply Multiplication of Mixed Numbers

Lesson 9.3: Practice Multiplication with Fractions and Mixed Numbers


Unit 4: Divide Fractions and Convert Customary Units

Module 10: Understand Division with Whole Numbers and Unit Fractions

Lesson 10.1: Interpret a Fraction as Division


Unit 5: Add and Subtract Decimals

Module 13: Decimal Place Value

Lesson 13.1: Understand Thousandths
Lesson 13.2: Read and Write Decimals to Thousandths
Lesson 13.3: Round Decimals
Lesson 13.4: Compare and Order Decimals


Unit 6: Multiply Decimals

Module 15: Multiply Decimals and Whole Numbers

Lesson 15.1: Understand Decimal Multiplication Patterns


Unit 7: Divide Decimals and Convert Customary Units

Module 17: Understand Decimal Division Patterns

Lesson 17.1: Understand Decimal Division Patterns


Unit 8: Graphs, Patterns, and Geometry

Module 19: Graphs and Patterns

Lesson 19.1: Describe a Coordinate System
Lesson 19.2: Understand Ordered Pairs
Lesson19.4: Generate and Identify Numerical Patterms


Grade 6

Unit 1: Number Systems and Operations

Module 1: Integer Concepts

Lesson 1: Identify and Interpret Integers
Lesson 2: Compare and Order Integers on a Number Line


Module 3: Fraction Division

Lesson 1: Understand Fraction Division


Module 4: Fluency with Multi-Digit Decimal Operations

Lesson 1: Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Decimals
Lesson 4: Divide Multi-Digit Decimals


Unit 2: Ratio and Rate Reasoning

Module 5: Ratio and Rates

Lesson 1: Understand the Concept and Language of Ratios
Lesson 2: Represent Ratios and Rates with Tables and Graphs
Lesson 3: Compare Ratios and Rates
Lesson 4: Find and Apply Unit Rates
Lesson 5: Solve Ratio and Rate Problems Using Proportional Reasoning


Module 6: Apply Ratios and Rates to Measurement

Lesson 2: Use Rate Reasoning to Convert withing Measurement Systems


Module 7: Understand, Express, and Compare Percent Ratios

Lesson 1: Understand, Express, and Compare Percent Ratios


Unit 3: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Module 8: Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Lesson 3: Write Algebraic Expressions to Model Situations


Module 9: Solve Problems Using Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 1: Write Equations to Represent Situations
Lesson 2: USe Additions and Subtraction Equations to Solve Problems
Lesson 3: Use Multiplication and Division Equations to Solve Problems
Lesson 4: Use One-Step Equations to Solve a Variety of Problems
Lesson 5: Write and Graph Inequalities


Module 10: Real-World Relationships Between Variables

Lesson 1: Represent Equations in Tables and Graphs
Lesson 2: Write Equations from Verbal Descriptions


Unit 4: Relationships in Geometry

Module 11: Polygons on the Coordinate Plane

Lesson 4: Find the Perimeter and Area on the Coordinate Plane


Module 12: Area of Triangles and Special Quadrilaterals

Lesson 1: Develop and Use the Formula for Area of Parallelograms

Lesson 2: Develop and Use the Formula for Area of Triangles

Lesson 3: Develop and Use the Formula for Area of Trapezoids
Lesson 4: Find Area of Composite Figures


Module 13: Surface Area and Volume

Lesson 1: Explore Nets and Surface Area


Unit 5: Data Collection and Analysis

Module 14: Data Collection and Displays

Lesson 2: Display Data in Dot Plots
Lesson 3: Make Histograms and Frequency Tables


Module 15: Measure of Center

Lesson 2: Find Measures of Center
Lesson 3: Choose a Measure of Center


Grade 7

Unit 1: Proportional Relationships

Module 1: Identify and Represent Proportional Relationships

Lesson 1: Explore Relationships
Lesson 2: Recognize Proportional Relationships in Tables
Lesson 3: Compute Unit Rates Involving Fractions
Lesson 4: Recognize Proportional Relationships in Graphs
Lesson 5: Use Proportional Relationships to Solve Rate Problems
Lesson 6: Practice Proportional Reasoning with Scale Drawings


Module 2: Proportional Reasoning with Percents

Lesson 1: Percent Change
Lesson 2: Markups and Discounts
Lesson 3: Taxes and Gratuities
Lesson 5: Simple Interest


Unit 2: Rational Number Operations

Module 3: Understand Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers

Lesson 1: Add or Subtract a Positive Integer on a Number line
Lesson 3: Use a Number Line to Add and Subtract Rational Numbers


Module 4: Add and Subtract Rational Numbers

Lesson 1: Compute Sums of Integers
Lesson 2: Compute Differences of Integers
Lesson 4: Apply Properties to Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems


Unit 3: Model with Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Module 7: Solve Problems Using Expressions and Equations

Lesson 1: Write Linear Expressions in Different Forms for Different Situations
Lesson 3: Write Two-Step Equations for Situations
Lesson 5: Apply Two-Step Equations fo Find Angle Measures


Module 8: Solve Problems Using Inequalities

Lesson 1: Understand and Apply Properties to Solve One-Step Inequalities
Lesson 2: Write Two-Step Inequalities for Situations
Lesson 3: Apply Two-Step Inequalities to Solve Problems


Unit 4: Geometry

Module 9: Draw and Analyze Two-Dimensional Figures

Lesson 2: Draw Circles and Other Figures


Module 10: Analyze Figures to Find Circumference and Area

Lesson 1: Derive and Apply Formulas for Circumference
Lesson 2: Derive and Apply a Formula for the Area of a Circle
Lesson 4: Areas of Composite Figures


Unit 5: Sampling and Data Analysis

Module 13: Use Statistics and Graphs to Compare Data

Lesson 3: Compare Means Using MAD and Repeated Sampling


Module 14: Understand and Apply Experimental Probability

Lesson 1: Understand Probability of an Event
Lesson 2: Find Experimental Probability of Simple Events


Module 15: Find Theoretical Probability of Simple Events

Lesson 1: Find Theoretical Probability of Simple Events


Grade 8

Unit 1: Transformational Geometry

Module 1: Transformations and Congruence

Lesson 1: Investigate Transformations
Lesson 2: Explore Translations

Lesson 3: Explore Reflections

Lesson 4: Explore Rotations

Lesson 5: Understand and Recognize Congruent Figures


Module 2: Transformations and Similarity

Lesson 1: Investigate Reductions and Enlargements
Lesson 2: Explore Dilations
Lesson 3: Understand and Recognize Similar Figures


Unit 2: Linear Equations and Applications

Module 3: Solve Linear Equations

Lesson 1: Solve Multi-Step Linear Equations
Lesson 3: Apply Linear Equations


Module 4: Angle Relationships

Lesson 1: Develop Angle Relationships for Triangles
Lesson 3: Explore Prarallel Lines Cut by a Transversal


Unit 3: Relationships and Functions

Module 5: Proportional Relationships

Lesson 2: Derive y = mx
Lesson 3: Interpret and Graph Proportional Relationships
Lesson 4: Compare Proportional Relationships


Module 6: Understand and Analyze Functions

Lesson 1: Understand and Graph Functions
Lesson 2: Derive and Interpret y = mx + b
Lesson 3: Interpret Rat of Change and Initial Value
Lesson 4: Construct Functions
Lesson 5: Compare Functions
Lesson 6: Describe and Sketch Nonlinear Functions


Module 7: Systems of Linear Equations

Lesson 1: Represent Systems by Graphing
Lesson 2: Solve Systems by Graphing


Unit 4: Statistics and Probability

Module 8: Scatter Plots

Lesson 1: Construct Scatter Plots and Examine Association
Lesson 2: Draw and Analyze Trend Lines
Lesson 3: Interpret Linear Data in Context


Module 9: Two-Way Tables

Lesson 1: Construct and Interpret Two-Way Frequency Tables
Lesson 3: Interpret Two-Way Relative Freqency Tables


Unit 5: Real Numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem

Module 10: Real Numbers

Lesson 2: Investigate Roots


Module 11: The Pythagorean Theorem

Lesson 1: Prove the Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 3: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem


Unit 6: Exponents, Scientific Notation, and Volume

Module 12: Exponents and Scientific Notation

Lesson 1: Know and Apply Properties of Exponents
Lesson 2: Understand Scientific Notation
Lesson 3: Compute with Scientific Notation


Module 13: Volume

Lesson 1: Find Volume of Cylinders
Lesson 2: Find Volumes of Cones


Algebra 1




Unit 1: Real Numbers and Connections to Algebra

Module 2: Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable

Lesson 2.2: Write and Solve Equations

Lesson 2.3: Rewrite Formulas and Solve Literal Equations
Lesson 2.4: Write and Solve Inequalities


Unit 2: Linear Functions and Equations

Module 3: Linear Equations in Two Variables

Lesson 3.1: Linear Equations in Standard Form
Lesson 3.2: Slopes of Lines and Rates of Change


Module 4: Linear Functions and Models

Lesson 4.3: Characteristics of Linear Functions


Module 5: Relationships Among Linear Functions

Lesson 5.3: Compare Linear Functions
Lesson 5.4: Inverses of Linear Functions


Unit 3: Build Linear Functions and Models

Module 6: Fit Linear Functions to Data

Lesson 6.1: Scatter Plots, Correlation, and Fitted Lines

Lesson 6.2: Residualts and Best-Fit Lines


Module 7: Discrete Linear Functions

Lesson 7.1: Arithmetic Sequences Defined Recursively
Lesson 7.2: Arithmetic Sequences Defined Explicitly


Module 8: Piecewise-Defined Functions

Lesson 8.1: Graph Piecewise-Defined Functions


Unit 4: Linear Systems

Module 9: Systems of Linear Equations

Lesson 9.1: Solve Linear Systems by Graphing
Lesson 9.2: Solve Linear Systems by Substitution


Module 10: Linear Inequalities

Lesson 10.2: Graph Systems of Linear Inequalities


Unit 5: Exponential Functions and Equations

Module 11: Exponential Functions and Models

Lesson 11.1: Exponential Growth Functions


Unit 6: Build Exponential Functions and Models

Module 13: Fit Exponential Functions to Data

Lesson 13.1: Scatter Plots and Fitted Exponential Curves


Module 14: Discrete Exponential Functions

Lesson 14.1: Geometric Sequences Defined Recursively
Lesson 14.2: Geometric Sequences Defined Explicitly


Unit 8: Quadratic Functions and Equations

Module 17: Use Graphing and Factoring to Solve Quadratic Equations

Lesson 17.1: Solve Quadratic Equations by Graphing Quadratic Functions

Lesson 17.3: Solve Quadratic Equations by Factoring ax^2+bx+c

Lesson 17.4: Use Special Factoring Patterns to Solve Quadratic Equations


Module 18: Use Square Roots to Solve Quadratic Equations

Lesson 18.2: Solve Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Lesson 18.3: Use the Quadratic Formula to Solve Equations


Unit 9: Function Analysis

Module 20: Function Analysis

Lesson 20.1: Choose Among Linear, Exponential, and Quadratic Models


Unit 10: Data Analysis

Module 22: Numerical Data

Lesson 22.1: Data Distributions and Appropriate Statistics



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